Brady issues furious warning to Boris amid lockdown rebellion threat ‘Lives will be lost!’ | UK | News (Reports)


Tory MP Sir Graham Brady demanded Boris Johnson release a document highlighting the drawbacks of implementing a national lockdown to fight the coronavirus pandemic. While speaking in the House of Commons, Sir Graham asked for specific details on the economic cost, loss of livelihoods and loss of lives through a new lockdown. 

While addressing the Prime Minister, he also warned that lives would still be lost despite calling for another lockdown.

He said: “Can I ask my right honourable friend before Wednesday to publish a full impact assessment.

“An assessment setting out the cost of the lockdown in terms of jobs that will be lost, businesses that will fail and the enormous toll on peoples mental and other aspects of their health.

“Also the lives that will be lost as a result of lockdown as well as those we hope to save.”

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The Prime Minister did not clearly announce whether the Government would be providing this information.

Mr Johnson replied: “Mr Speaker there are many estimates of the economic impact that the country has already sustained and many projections of the losses in employment that we alas do expect.

“But against them, we must set the tragic loss of life that would inevitably ensue if this House failed to act on Wednesday.”

During his address to the House of Commons, Mr Johnson insisted it was imperative the Government take national action now in the fight against coronavirus.

He also defended the Government’s initial decision to take the problem of spreading cases through implementing local restrictions.

More to follow…


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