House of Lords true cost REVEALED: UK taxpayer could fork out a whopping £30K per peer! | UK | News (Reports)


The huge Upper House has now surpassed 800 members after the latest announcement of 36 new peers. Following analysis, the ERS estimate each peer will cost the UK taxpayer £30,000. And, based on the average expenses claims from the 2019/20 financial year, the ERS has claimed the new cohort of 36 members will increase the overall amount to the taxpayer to £1.1million a year.

The cost of running the House also rose by an incredible £99million to £117.4million in 2018/19 according to ERS figures. 

For signing into the chamber, peers also receive a payment of £323 a day tax-free.

In contrast, those in human health or social work activities earnt on average £26,864 in 2019 according to the ONS’ figures released in March this year. 

Commenting on the new data, a spokesperson for ERS told “Voters will not be pleased with yet more unelected peers making their way in to claim expenses.

House of Lords: The group has called for a reform of the House

House of Lords: The group has called for a reform of the House (Image: PA)

House of Lords: 36 new peers were recently awarded

House of Lords: 36 new peers were recently awarded (Image: GETTY)

“The current system is ripe for exploitation, with peers having to do little more than sign in to claim their tax-free allowance.

“The fact that voters cannot hold them to account at the ballot box is a recipe for wanton disregard for taxpayers.

“The ERS has revealed in recent years how the taxpayer has been left with bills of millions for peers who barely contribute so much as a speech in the chamber.

“While many Lords do work hard, voters might feel less aggrieved about paying them if they actually had a say on who sat in the chamber.

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House of Lords: The number of peers has risen to over 800

House of Lords: The number of peers has risen to over 800 (Image: GETTY)

“This is an expenses-scandal in the making, and the system is crying out for reform.

“A far learner, proportionally-elected senate of the nations and regions will help restore faith in democracy.

“At the moment, the loophole-ridden, scrutiny-free expenses set-up just allows distrust to sink deeper into our democracy.”

Due to the sheer size of the chamber, almost 400,000 people have signed up to the group’s petition to replace the House.


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House of Lords: Some have criticised the amount given to the peers

House of Lords: Some have criticised the amount given to the peers (Image: GETTY)

House of Lords: The group estimated a per-peer cost of 30k

House of Lords: The group estimated a per-peer cost of 30k (Image: GETTY)

Away from the data surrounding the earnings of the peers, analysis from the ERS has shown that 58 percent of the newly elected peers were primarily elected politicians.

Of the over 800 members, none has a single primary working background in manual or skilled trade.

Just two percent have a primary working background in medical or healthcare.

Among the new batch of peerages, nominated by Boris Johnson, was his former chief strategic adviser Sir Edward Udny-Lister.

The former head of the Scottish Tory Party, Ruth Davidson and the owner of The Evening Standard and The Independent, Evgeny Lebedev were both also awarded peerages.

Despite the criticism headed towards some of the nominations, a No 10 spokesman insisted Downing Street remains committed to restructuring the House.

They also stated peerages were passed onto to those who contribute to society.

They said: “It remains the case that the size of the House of Lords needs addressing, but given retirements and other departures, some new members are needed to ensure the Lords has the appropriate expertise and it continues to fulfil its role in scrutinising and revising legislation.

House of Lords: No 10 remain committed to Lords reform

House of Lords: No 10 remain committed to Lords reform (Image: GETTY)

“All of the individuals were nominated in recognition of their contribution to society and their public and political service.

“Peers are appointed to further contribute to public service in parliament.”

The House of Lords has been approached for comment. 


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