Most Britons disapprove of Chequers Brexit deal – UK



The majority of Britons disapprove of the Brexit plan proposed by the UK government, with most saying they would prefer a closer relationship with the EU than suggested in the proposals, a Sky Data poll reveals.

Some 52% disapprove of the proposed deal – known as the Chequers plan after the Prime Minister’s residence at which the cabinet agreed to the plan earlier in the summer. Just 18% approve of the deal, while 30% answer don’t know.

Former education secretary Justine Greening suggested the Chequers deal was less popular than the poll tax – a flat tax on every person in the country first imposed in 1989, which led to widespread protests and is often cited as a factor leading to Margaret Thatcher being deposed as Prime Minister.

Most Britons disapprove of the Chequers Brexit plan
Most Britons disapprove of the Chequers Brexit plan

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In March 1990, at its least popular, according to pollsters MORI the poll tax reached a low of 19% approval – above the Chequers deal albeit within the margin of error – but had a much higher 76% disapproval, with a much lower 5% answering don’t know.

Brexiteer ministers led by David Davis and Boris Johnson believe the PM's plan is 'not acceptable'
David Davis (right) and Boris Johnson resigned their posts as Brexit secretary and foreign secretary after the Chequers deal

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The Chequers deal would see Britain continue to observe EU rules on goods, but decide most of its own rules around services and immigration.

More of those polled wanted closer, rather than looser ties with the EU than the deal allows

A plurality of the British public would prefer closer ties to the EU than proposed in the Chequers plan: 46% want closer ties, 33% want looser ties with the EU than proposed, while 8% think the Chequers deal gets the balance about right.

Sky Data interviewed a nationally representative sample of 1,019 Sky customers by SMS on 4 September 2018. Data are weighted to the profile of the population. Sky Data is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

For full Sky Data tables, please click here.



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