Newcastle rapist jailed for longer


A Newcastle man has had his jail sentence increased following an intervention by the Solicitor General, Rt Hon Michael Ellis QC MP.

Connor Barrass, 23, was found guilty of rape, attempted rape, sexual assault and causing grievous bodily harm to his 40-year old victim. Prior to this case the offender had 21 previous convictions, a number of which involved violent offending against women.

On 10 August 2020, Barrass was sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment at Newcastle Crown Court. The court also imposed a restraining order and he was made subject to the sex offenders notification requirements.

Following the court’s decision, the Solicitor General referred the sentence to the Court of Appeal under the Unduly Lenient Sentence (ULS) scheme. On 9 December the Court found Barrass to be a Dangerous Offender and ruled that the sentence was unduly lenient. The Court increased the original sentence to 15 years’ imprisonment followed by 5 years on licence.

After the hearing at the Court of Appeal the Solicitor General, Rt Hon Michael Ellis QC MP, said:

Barrass’ actions were shocking and despicable. The Court of Appeal’s decision to increase his sentence recognises his victim’s distressing and harmful ordeal.


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