Website launches to help people enjoy New York City on a Budget.

Website launches to help people enjoy New York City on a Budget.

Website launches to help people enjoy New York City on a Budget.

PoliticMag Press Release : October 10, 2020

A website aimed at cost saving New York travelers is set to be launched this week. 


New York City on a budget is the brainchild of Sammual-James McLoughlin, a seasoned Traveler to New York City, whom for the last 20 years has spent his time exploring inexpensive attractions and practical means to help explore the city for those on a tight budget. 


Sammual-James McLoughlin said the launch, “This will be an ongoing blog of my thoughts, opinions and insider know-how. Whilst trips to the Big Apple are limited at the moment due to the pandemic, the armchair traveller will be able to read weekly updates and plan a trip once it is safe to do so”. 


Many people believe New York City is expensive and to be fair, it is, but you need to know where to look. There are plenty of free or inexpensive opportunities for the solo traveler or indeed a group of friends or family can explore. New York City on a Budget will help point you in the right direction. 


McLoughlin continues, “I’ve always had a passion for New York City, it’s a cooking pot of culture, opportunities, and people from all walks of life, and that’s why I love the city. I hope my passion will be reflected in the blog and most of all readers will be inspired for when the time is right to return to this great city – New York City”. 


Sammual-James McLoughlin is editor and founder of New York City on a Budget .


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