Boris rebellion: Mark Harper says legal ramifications must stop – lockdown must end now | UK | News (Reports)


Tory MP for the Forest of Dean and chair of the Coronavirus Recovery Group, Mark Harper, has claimed legal ramifications over the lockdown must end. Ahead of the Prime Minister’s announcement tomorrow, Mr Harper indicated he hoped the lockdown will soon be lifted due to the high vaccination numbers. He insisted, once the top nine groups in the UK have been vaccinated, the restrictions and their legal requirements must end. 

The current lockdown legislation ends on March 31 but Mr Harper insisted the case for continuing legal requirements over the lockdown must be removed by the end of April. 

Speaking on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show, Mr Harper said: “Once you’ve vaccinated the top nine groups, the people who account for the bulk of the most vulnerable, which will be the middle of April, we think by the end of April the case for domestic legal requirements legal restrictions falls away. 

“We think at that point people can get on with their lives.

“The Government may provide health advice but the legal restrictions should fall away in April.”

More to follow…


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