Sadiq Khan’s statue adviser filmed yelling at Queen as he interrupts public ceremony | Royal | News (Reports)


Sadiq Khan has been criticised for focussing on creating a task force dedicated to evaluating statues and road names across the Capital. The task force includes campaigner Toyin Agebetu who confronted the Queen during a ceremony in 2007 at Westminster Abbey. The ceremony was to mark the 200th anniversary of the abolishment of the slave trade.

Mr Agebetu disrupted the ceremony to demand an apology from the Queen and the British Government for their role in the slave trade.

During the ceremony, Mr Agebetu stood up and said: “You should be ashamed, we should not be here.

“This is an insult to us, I want all the Christians who are Africans to walk out of here with me.”

He indicated to the Queen and the Prime Minister at the time, Tony Blair, that they were a disgrace and should issue a formal apology.

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Mr Agebetu was eventually escorted outside of Westminster Abbey.

Following unrest across the UK, regarding statues depicting slave traders, Sadiq Khan set up the statue task force.

However, the London Mayor has been heavily criticised for this decision with many insisting this is not the most pressing issue facing the city.

Former Brexit Party MEP Ben Habib argued the mayor should focus more strongly on TfL, London housing and crime.

“But what does he spend his time doing?

“I read yesterday that he’s launched a 15 strong commission to review which statues in this great city come down and which roads need to have their names changed.

“This is not part of his mandate.”

“It is designed to cover up the fact that TfL is bust under his management, that the police are not doing their job and that knife crime is through the roof.”


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