UN Human Rights Council 45: Statement for the Universal Periodic Review Adoption – Kyrgyzstan


Madam President,

The United Kingdom welcomes Kyrgyzstan’s engagement with the UPR and their determination to make progress on human rights.

We also welcome Kyrgyzstan’s support for all three of our recommendations: to ratify the Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) of the ILO; to take all steps necessary to implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, including ensuring access to work and education and ensuring that all public buildings are accessible; to ensure that legislation is not adopted, including the so-called “foreign agents law”, that would limit the ability of non-governmental organizations to operate freely. We welcome the ongoing consultations on the NGO law and encourage Kyrgyzstan to consult the Venice Commission to ensure consistency with International human rights law good practice.

We were deeply saddened to hear about the tragic death of Mr Azhimzhan Askarov in prison, despite international calls for his release.

We call on Kyrgyzstan to uphold constitutional rights and the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and, especially in light of October’s Parliamentary elections, to continue to protect and promote the safety of journalists.

Following the considerable pressures that the coronavirus pandemic has placed on society, we urge Kyrgyzstan to take steps to improve the situation on domestic and gender-based violence.

The United Kingdom stands ready to support Kyrgyzstan in the implementation of our recommendations.

Thank you.


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